1. Make sure your account is set to a business account on your normal PayPal account: https://www.paypal.com/za/home You might need to verify your email, just follow the instructions provided by PayPal
2. If step 1 is in place then go to https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications/
3. Log in with your PayPal credentials, as you did in step 1
4. Click on Apps and Credentials (left hand Menu)
5. Click on LIVE (top right you will see SANDBOX / LIVE)
6. Click on Create APP
7. Give your app any name (relevant to you) and hit create.
8. Copy the Client ID and past it into he PayPal setup in NEX-Forms
9. Click on Secret and copy that into the PayPal setup in NEX-Forms
10. When you go live then select LIVE environment PayPal setup in NEX-Forms