NEX-Forms - Super Select Add-on
Support Expired? Item support is an Envato initiative and is not controlled by Basix or any other Author on Envato. The idea is that you get lifetime FREE updates (that includes new features) and therefor need to renew support. We simply can ...
Submitting a Form results in a page with 0 This error comes from a JavaScript error on the Page. Please see below how to troubleshoot 3rd party issues: 1. Go to Plugins → Installed Plugins on the WordPress menu and temporarily deactivate all other plugins (exc ...
Will an update effect my current data? No. Your Settings, forms and submissions and any related data will remain in tact when updating.
License not registering. Please update the plugin to the latest version to resolve this issue. See Update Procedure
Update Procedure Please follow these steps to update: 1. Download the plugin from http://codecanyon.net/downloads 2. Deactivate and uninstall/Delete the version you currently have. 3. Install and activate the version you downloaded from t ...
Form not Saving (WordFence Fix) OPTION 1: Whitelist your own IP address in your WordFence Firewall. Go to WORDFENCE->FIREWALL -> Click on All firewall Options -> See Advanced Firewall Options -> Whitelisted IP addresses that bypass all rules. Add yo ...
FREE Add-ons Claim You can now get all the add-ons from here: http://basixonline.net/nex-forms-wordpress-form-builder-demo/nex-forms-free-add-ons-download/
How do I get updates and is it free? Log into your envato/codecanyon account and go to downloads. Tick the box corresponding with the item to receive email notifications on updates. Updates are FREE of charge.
PayPal PRO Client ID and Secret Key Setup 1. Make sure your account is set to a business account on your normal PayPal account: https://www.paypal.com/za/home You might need to verify your email, just follow the instructions provided by PayPal 2. If step 1 is in p ...