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PayPal PRO Client ID and Secret Key Setup 1. Make sure your account is set to a business account on your normal PayPal account: ... Submitting a Form results in a page with 0 This error comes from a JavaScript error on the Page. Please see below how to troubleshoot 3rd party issues: 1. G ... How do I get updates and is it free? Log into your envato/codecanyon account and go to downloads. Tick the box corresponding with the item to receive email notifi ... Will an update effect my current data? No. Your Settings, forms and submissions and any related data will remain in tact when updating.
I am not receiving emails Try and switch your email method. 1. Go to your wordpress admin2. Go to NEX-Forms->Global settings3. Change the email meth ... Update Procedure Please follow these steps to update: 1. Download the plugin from 2. Deactivate and ...
Article Categories
9 Articles
PRE-Sales Questions
Submitting a Form results in a page with 0
9 Articles
NEX-Forms - PayPal PRO Add-on
Form not Saving (WordFence Fix)
9 Articles
NEX-Forms - Shortcode Processor Add-on
PayPal PRO Client ID and Secret Key Setup
8 Articles
NEX-Forms - Mailster Add-on
Will an update effect my current data?
8 Articles
NEX-Forms - MailPoet Add-on
PayPal PRO Client ID and Secret Key Setup
Form not Saving (WordFence Fix)
9 Articles
NEX-Forms - MailChimp Add-on
Submitting a Form results in a page with 0
9 Articles
NEX-Forms - Form Themes Add-on
How do I get updates and is it free?